Get ready to be rocked, rattled and rolled!
Short on funds for a worldwide terrorist blitz, the underground criminal
organization VIPER (Vicious International Punks and Eternal Renegades) has
infiltrated RollerGames - the most popular sport of the 21st century. With
their greedy sights set on the games' mega prize money, they've corrupted
three skating teams and abducted the games' beloved commissioner, Emerson
"Skeeter" Bankhead. Now, somewher beneath the city, he sits bound and gagged,
at the mercy of these cowardly creeps.
The CIA and FBI lack the speed, cunning and sheer brute force for this job. So
it's up to you and your own three teams of free-wheeling skate wizards to
rescue the commissioner and stop VIPER from unleashing its venom on the entire
city. This is one fight that cannot be fought like a gentleman. You're going
to have to take it to the streets, the sewers, the junkyards - just about any
place your eight wheels can go (and even a few places they can't).
But even your cat-like reflexes won't guarantee success as you choose and lead
your teams through the six muscle-aching stages, all peppered with dastardly
deathtraps. Open manholes, greasy oil slicks, combat helicopters and
blood-thirsty dogs are just a few of the dangers that await you.
Of course, you'll also have to punch and bodyslam your way pas chop-happy judo
masters, skateboard thugs, motorcycle madmen and more.
And considering the odds of survival, now might be a good time to hang up your
skates and bow out gracefully. But remember, the lives of thousands are
hanging in the balance. And if you choose to accept this job and fall flat
somewhere along the way, you can count on VIPER to roast your ball bearings
for dinner!

Möcke bra spel! Bygger på en tv-show från amerikat som jag inte tror sändes i sverige, har inte hört talas om den iallafall. Den verkar va nån sorts blandning mellan gladiatorerna och wrestling på rollerskates, vilket ju såklart låter som en sjukkt bra kombo!!! Spelet i sig är en blandning mellan plattformer och beatemup. Oändligt med continues men med rätt så kluriga banor eftersom man såklart dör av ett enda misslyckat hopp, bra svårighetsnivå överlag. Detta tillsammans med att det är rätt snyggt, nice ljud och charmig setting/animationer gör att det är ett riktigt höjdarspel. Spelet har jag faktiskt inte heller hört talas om innan vilket känns som lite av en miss, kanske släpptes det inte så mycket i sverige om inte tvprogrammet gick här? MÖCKE BRA!




